It's... ALIVE!!
If you were reading my blog this summer, you might remember this thing. The RIP Tee, with its ugly, puffy sleeves, its stupid, prissy picot edging, its half-assed, blotchy overdye job (I actually kind of liked that part)... well, it was unfit to live. I tried a number of times in the last few months to learn to love it, because the fit really was nice, and it was very comfortable, but in the end it was just too frumpula.
Last week, I ripped it out down to the underarms (the lower body was such a nice fit), then I used many, many boxes of cherry Kool-Aid to dye the ripped wool and the lower body to this new, beautiful colour (it was originally the colour of the green central stripe). And now... behold it!
Doing the Rachael:
Dressed up a bit:
Funny story: I'm still not completely used to this camera, and I keep forgetting that when using the timer, the timer button must be pressed before each shot. Hence, I have many photos like this:
(I really liked that one, for some reason.)
One more for good luck:
(I'm sitting on a counter there, hence the odd pose.)
Hey, who's that peeking out from the neckline? Am I... really, really predictable?? Apparently so.
Mandy, that is totally gorgeous. I love the way you incorporated a little bit of the original colour in the stripe, and I'm totally going to rip off that awesome neckline opening. With credit, of course.
Cute sweater! I love the colors and it is very flatter. Beautiful!
Excellent! So much more flattering than effort #1, and your dye job is great!
You ARE a genious! I looooooove the color! And that fit on you! I can't wait to hug you and tell you to your face just how inspirational you are and have been to me!
Looks great Mandy. I love the Cool Aid idea - I have a number of things where that just might be the solution! Hope you are doing well.
That looks great. I like the new color and the smashing neck line.
Great job. WOW!
Wow, that's so much sexier than version one. I really like the rib detail on the sleeve.
wowsa! it looks way better, and more than that, it's super lovely. Also, lookit those tattoos!
Mandy, the sweater is FAB. You're such a great designer! *insert applause and roar of the crowd here*
A Totally excellent sweater, that looks amazing on you!
I know it's been said a few times already, but that neckline is hot :)
Hi, I haven't looked at your site in a long long time. I'm sorry. I know, Bad me, bad sister.
I just pulled up your site to show to a friend of mine and so she could see your picture. She said you're really pretty.
I love you and I can't wait to see you at Christmas.
LOVE the way it finally turned out - congrats! :)
Love it!
bravo!! it looks extra-sharp with the white shirt:)
i haven't dropped by in awhile but as usual your projects look amazing... and YOU'RE LOOKING AWESOME AS WELL!!!!!! Happy Anniversary to you and Zak!
Love the colour, love the neckline, love the hair!
love love LOVE it!!!!
I love it - that is just gorgeous! As are you - you're lookin' good :)
Oh, you are SO cute! So is this sweater. I love the shape of it, LOVE the neckline, love the sleeves, love the colour(s). Woot!
Girl, you have skillz! I would have just ripped the whole sweater out or given it away.
I really, really love that Tee - was it your own design? Or can you point me in the direction of that pattern - it's so flattering and I think I have to have one!!
A very cute series of photos. I love how you reworked this sweater from the original.
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