
Based on a True Sweater

Jun 8, 2007

Summer Sweaters

The multi-project tech editing marathon that has been eating my life since last fall is almost over, and I am regaining my ability to compose rudimentary sentences that do not contain bracketed sets of numbers.

Except for beloved Knitty, I am planning to take a bit of a break from tech editing now. I have some other goals to pursue in the second half of the year, one of which is to do more design work... that is, designing things that will actually become patterns.

One of the first pieces I will pattern will most likely be a revision of this little sweater, which I knit in at the end of May.

Little Summer Sweater

It took less than six 95m (104yd) balls of Katia Mississippi, to fit my 116cm (46") bust. I'm planning to make the second version in Rowan All Seasons Cotton, which is the same weight and has a similar construction.

I'm really happy with how this one turned out. I worked it from the top down, and incorporated the waist shaping into the lace pattern.

Little Summer Sweater

In the next version, I will change the way the raglan lines and front neck shaping are handled. I may also change the lace pattern slightly. This one had a six-row pattern repeat, with patterning worked on the third (WS) and sixth (RS) rows. To make the pattern easier to write, I may change it to be all RS or WS rows... I'm still figuring out how I want to handle this. Or maybe I will suck it up and not be so lazy, because this really made a nice fabric.

One of my favourite things about this in the end was the buttons I used. They are from Zak's late grandmother's button box, and I managed to find five similar buttons that made a nice colour gradation (though I didn't manage to get a good photo of them). Unfortunately, the bottom one broke the second time I wore the sweater, and I have yet to find a replacement that pleases me as much as the original button.

The other sweater I completed recently was a gift for my sister Shawn's 30th birthday. This is the first sweater I have knit for her, since she is seriously allergic to animal fibers, and I really can't handle knitting with inelastic fibers. (I'm starting to learn about sister-friendly yarns that don't kill my hands, but wool is still my Most Beloved.) I have recently discovered that I enjoy working with some cotton/acrylic blends, like Mississippi and the delicious All Seasons Cotton, and seized the opportunity to design a sweater for Shawn.

Birthday Sweater

This is All Seasons Cotton in Sea Foam, an unreleased (beautiful) shade which is being sold on eBay by Cucumber Patch and Jannette's Rare Yarns. It took just under 8 balls.

I won't be patterning this sweater, though details of it (like the patterning at the back neck) may show up elsewhere. This is partly because I've moved on to other things, but also because I like the idea of Shawn having the only sweater exactly like this.

Birthday Sweater: Back Neckline Detail

Here are a few more shots: a detail of the buttons and lower border, and some crappy shots of me modeling it. I tried to get better photos, without avail.

Birthday Sweater: Button and Border Detail

As clothing sizes go, Shawn is close in size to me, though she is considerably more... well-endowed. She's a few inches shorter than I am, but is not as short-waisted, so I think the length should be good on her. She says the length is good, but I want to see it! If she sends me a photo, I will post it. Until then, these will give a rough idea of fit.

Birthday Sweater

Birthday Sweater: Crappy Model Shot

I foresee more little summer sweaters in my near future. These ones were fairly quick to knit (if you don't count all the agonized ripping and second-guessing I did at the beginning of the birthday sweater), they don't take much yarn, and they're fun to experiment with. If you think you'd be interested in the pattern for the first sweater, which will most likely be a pdf available for a few dollars, please let me know; it will motivate me to get off my butt and get it done!


At 8:16 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

And a sweet idea, to have the sweater for your sister be the only one out there, just for her, knit just by you.

At 8:45 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love it! I want the pdf! Please? It looks wonderful on you, and I think it would look wonderful on me.....

At 12:44 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I second Rachael! Both the sweaters are lovely!

At 1:15 p.m., Blogger Nancy said...

What beautiful sweaters! I like the 2nd one best; the design on the back neck is really quite nice. I'm bummed you won't put out a pattern for it; but I will love to see a pattern for the first too.

At 2:52 p.m., Blogger Deb said...

Ohhh, beautiful sweaters Mandarin! I also love the long hair. It's stunning on you, as much so as "Cookie Monster Blue".

Come see me *today*, the trees are full of ripe, delicious cherries. I are stuffed and I don't even feel guilty!


At 5:10 p.m., Blogger Carrie said...

ooh, they are both lovely!! that is such a nice idea to design a sweater for someone and make it JUST theirs. I wish I had the skillz to do it!

At 6:24 p.m., Blogger Emily said...

They are both awesome summer sweaters.
--It was tech editing my summer Knitty pattern that made you tired of editing other people's patterns, right? And I dont blame you! Thanks for all the hard work on it ;)

At 7:04 p.m., Blogger WandaWoman said...

I love both sweaters, but especially the lacy one. I would love it if you wrote up a pattern. Just beautiful. Great work.

At 7:28 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

They're quite lovely - I like them both, but I'm particularly charmed by the first one; "waist shaping" are two of my favorite words.

At 8:14 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

gorgeous! and I'm also here via rachael (woo hoo, a new blog to read!) and I totally love both sweaters! :)

At 5:53 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

love both of them! and yes, sign me up for the new pattern :)h

At 10:20 a.m., Blogger Alison said...

Lovely work, Mandy!

At 12:40 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...


looking forward to seeing these patterns! will buy too!!! (came way of yarnagogo... will read regularly~)

At 8:37 p.m., Blogger Robin said...

Great sweaters! Nice to hear that you will be doing some designing in the near future!

At 5:49 a.m., Blogger Amy Boogie said...

I was thinking all weekend about your sweaters and how cool it would have been to have a short sleeve sweater. Sign me up for when you have a pattern.. or if you want a test knitter *wink*

At 5:56 a.m., Blogger bio_knit_kitty said...

They are both really pretty sweaters. I would love a pdf of the first one.

At 6:44 a.m., Blogger jodi said...

A resounding yes! These are lovely. I'd certainly like to make your lace cardigan, it's got my name all over it.

At 8:07 a.m., Blogger Amber said...

That's fantastic! I love the tan one :)

Can't wait for them to come out as patterns!!!

At 10:31 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love them! You are so talented!

At 4:22 p.m., Blogger Jennie said...

Love that beige one, especially. Looking forward to buying that pattern!

At 7:08 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Both sweaters are great but love the tan one! Glad you're doing a pattern :)

At 7:53 p.m., Blogger Wendy said...

Hello! I will order a copy of that tan one! It's gorgeous! Can't wait until it comes out!

At 11:45 a.m., Blogger AMindField said...

I'm lovin the sweaters - and your tattoo! Would you mind telling me the name/location of the artist you used? I'm searching for a good black and gray artist to do a 'watercolor' type floral tattoo

At 6:31 p.m., Blogger Deb said...

The sweaters are spectacular. Sweet, clean, memorable lines, attention to fit and detail-winners, in my book. Well done.


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