First Daffodils
I usually go for walks in the late evening. I like the dark, and the quiet streets. It's not such a factor right now, but I'm not a fan of hot weather and bright sunlight. In the summer, I stay indoors much more then in the winter. As well, I tend to be fairly nocturnal, especially at times like right now, when I'm working most of my waking hours.
I needed a break this morning, and it was late enough for things to be open, so I took a short walk to get a coffee. I thought I'd walk 2 blocks each way, but it was such a beautiful, mild, fragrant, wet day that I ended up walking about 20 blocks. I discovered that less than 5 blocks from my house, there is a tiny, old-fashioned looking church, the size of a small house. It's all painted blue and white with a hand-painted sign. I have walked down that street before, and never noticed it. The next time I go for a walk during the day, I'll try to remember my camera.
This often happens when I take a daytime walk through an area I usually walk in at night; I notice new details (or, ahem, new buildings) in familiar places. The neighbourhoods near me are pleasant at any time of day; there are nice gardens, houses with unusual details, and lots of trees. It's also rife with churches, schools and shops. There's a lot to notice.
When I got home I peeked out the back door, which is next to my desk. At the foot of the steps was these:
I love Vancouver.
*i know* after this dark and cold and terrible winter the sight of the crocus and daffs make me smile! Spring is springing! I know it because my amaryllis has sprouted. I can't wait till it blooms!
yay daffodils! Vancouver is awesome. :D
*jealous*... although it warmed up a bit today here in T.O.... and I'm still marveling at your notebooks from yesterday's post! in pen, even!
You would not believe the things that are in bloom down here. I know I should be grateful that I can go out in shorts in March and feel the sunshine and see all the flowering trees in bloom, but I sure miss the thrill of those first crocuses coming up through the snow back home.
"I needed a break this morning, and it was late enough for things to be open..." Heh, you sound like me when I've been up all night...
I love the first daffodils, too! The crocuses and snowdrops are great, but the daffodils are my favorite.
Oh so jealous!! This is the time of year I miss Vancouver the most! You have flowers… we don't.
pretty flowers... sigh. We're just bidding Au Revoir to our snow!
Ooh I miss the green in Vancouver, the green in London and even Hong Kong was green all year round. However Korea, man; it's just all brown!
I love those kind of walks as you discover buildings or even pathways that can cut through even though you always walked by!
Enjoy :D
I'm a night owl too and last week I noticed a daffodil in the planter next to my back door. It's that time of the year. Check out Kats blog-she has the sweetest painting that is perfect for the night owe.
sexy flowers..... love em! your writing is sweet
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