Yay for adding another digit to your binary birthday! Time for a big celebration! I love that you posted you birthday in binary... that's how my family does birthday cakes (candle on = 1, candle off = 0)! Have a great year!
That last anonymous comment was from me.... Kelly! Kelly from Calgary who use to join in on the knitting circles! Hope life in Vancouver is treating you well!
A very happy birthday to you!
Another successful revolution! Congrats... and very happy for you!
Grats on getting old and still looking so good! You are so cute!
Many happy returns. Did you happen to go yarn shopping for your birthday (sorry, had to ask)?
Happy Birthday Capricorn child
Happy happy!!!!!!!!!!!!
happy happy birthday!
Happy belated birthdy Mandy!!
Yay for adding another digit to your binary birthday! Time for a big celebration! I love that you posted you birthday in binary... that's how my family does birthday cakes (candle on = 1, candle off = 0)! Have a great year!
Happy belated bday, lovey. Miss you.
That last anonymous comment was from me.... Kelly! Kelly from Calgary who use to join in on the knitting circles! Hope life in Vancouver is treating you well!
Hippo Birdie Two Ewes! (Okay- that is as close to a knitting related wish as I could get!)
happy birthday mandy! or rather 0110100001100001011100000111000
Happy birthday, Mandy! However many thousands of digits old you are, you look fabulous, dahling. :)
happy belated b day pretty lady!
Happy Birthday Mandy!! (This wouldn't be a belated greeting except I tried for two days to comment but Blogger was misbehaving!)
Happy birthday Mandy! I'm going to be 3B in a couple weeks. It doesn't sound so bad in hexadecimal.
I still remember taking a lot of pictures of you when you were a baby and toddler in Ottawa. That was in my artiste photographer phase.
Happiest of birthdays, dear Mandy!
Whoa! You're hair is so long! Has it been that long since I saw you? Yikes! Happy Belated Birthday from me!!!!!!
Happy Birthday (slightly late, but heck: take a birthday week~!!)
Hey, Happy belated B-Day! I didn't realize that you were a "cap" as well! Hope it was fun!
hip happity happy belated birthday to you!!
the bulbs are poking out their heads in your honour.
happy birthday!!
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