Reasons I Love my Husband, #4859
Tonight I was editing a pattern for a beautiful jacket by Jordana Paige. Zak came into my office, and I showed him some photos of the jacket.
"That's nice, what's the yarn weight?"
"It's a DK."
"Oh, okay, that makes sense."
(The stitch pattern makes the fabric look substantial, but it has a that nice DK drape. I showed him my swatch of the stitch pattern.)
"I love it, I think I'm going to make it, though I'll probably make it a raglan."
"Yeah, it would look look really good that way, because...." etc.
Life would suck if I couldn't talk to him about knitting.
Aw. Nick and I can talk about or hobbies to each other only to a certain depth, then we'll break off, laugh and say "blah, blah, blah," 'cuz we realise we're just working stuff out aloud, and the other isn't really getting it.
lucky! The Chops never asks me about my knittng, but I don't mind because I never ask him about his mother boards, circuits, servers or action scripts. heh - i don't even know if those are the right words!!chester
heh - excuse that 'chester' at the end of my last post - i had started to write something else but changed my mind - missed that edit!
Once we were on a plane, and I thought there was something wrong in a pattern, so I had Lala read the part that confused me, and I was right, and then I realized how SEXY that was that she could do that.
You just made a lot of people jealous, my dear ;)
Oh, I know what you mean. My boy knits and crochets and we have conversations about yarn.
we're lucky!
Sometimes I talk to the guy about knit stuff. Unfortch his eyes glaze over kinda quickly. He's happy to tell me how nice something is when I finish it, pet my yarn when I show it to him and give an honest opinion about patterns when I show them to him.
i love your husband too!
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