This Entry Is A Week Late
Speaking at Northern Voice didn't suck. People actually seemed interested and asked questions, and I didn't die. I met Jana of Handmaiden (!!!), and the lovely Rachael Ashe (you can also read her here), who was a co-presenter on the same panel I spoke on. Neither of us had done this sort of speaking before - it was nice to have someone else there who was as inexperienced as I was!
In case you're interested, here are the sites I used as slides:
1. Yarnageddon (...of course)
2. Indigirl (re. why I started blogging)
3. See Eunny Knit (re. blogs that offer excellent technical information)
4. Knitting Rock-Along (re. knitalongs - this one got a great reaction!)
5. Tricoteuses Sans Frontieres(re. knit-blogging charity initiatives - the numbers with this one impressed folks)
6. Oliver's Fund (re. knit-blogger community stuff)
7. Knitting Olympics (a good excuse for more impressive numbers)
8. Jodi's Weblog (re. personal experiences, people you only know online but still think of as "friends")
9. Knit and the City (re. personal experiences, moving to Vancouver and having someone to hook up with because of blogging -yay!)
10. The Boogie Knits (re. personal experiences, the painting/spinning barter Amy and I did - I made sure to wear my Saturn sweater)
11. FishyKissKnits (re. another close "real-life" friend who blogs - this relates back to the story behind slide #2 and let me have a nice, circular, personal way to end my talk.)
Phew! It went a lot better than I feared. Zak wrote a bit about it here, complete with crappy little photo. Hey wait - I could post that photo here too!
The only thing that really sucked about the day was that I had nightmares the night before (nah, I wasn't nervous at all!), so I slept in and missed Susie's presentation, which I had wanted to see. But at least we got to hang out with her and Travis later, which improves any day.
Glad to hear it went well! I get stage fright something awful too, especially when I've got to talk about my own work. Gah.
And thanks for the mention! I tried to talk Pete into us taking a trip to Vancouver this summer (to visit my two cousins out there and to meet you!) but he vetoed that (can't afford it). Next year, maybe.
Awwww, that's sweet! I'm very flattered. And glad you didn't throw up. I should be able to snag the car for Sunday the 26th. Are you free?
Sounds neat--I was just writing a little intro today for a programming class I'm in and I surprised myself by going on and on about how much knitting and technology go hand in hand. I didn't realise I cared. ;)
I'm glad your talk went well (did you do some interpretive dance to warm up [really, I've actually found it does relax me, as long as I'm not serious about it, from the Groening school of dance so to speak]) and like Ande, glad you didn't throw up. It's a way to distinguish yourself to be sure...maybe start a blogger barf-o-rama, ugh.
Yay us! We did great. Next time I'd like more time to prepare though, but I'm glad I did it.
Glad to hear it went well for you and I'm flattered that you mentioned me.
Wow, I really didn't expect to be on the list. But I love how I am #11 - that always happens for me! Very lucky. Glad it went well!
Of course the anticipation to an event is always so much worse than actually doing it! Glad to hear your presentation went fine! Hopefully next time you won't have nightmares!
You celeb you! I'm glad it went well, and it was lovely to read Zak's entry ebout it. You guys' love and pride for each other make me smile just thinking of it. Beautiful people. That's what you are. I miss you.
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